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Treat Your Constipation / List of high Fiber Containing Food.

If you haven't moved your bowel for 3 to 4 days and have feelings like bloating and abdominal distension, you may have constipation.

To treat constipation you have to change some of your daily habits.

1. Eat plenty of liquids, 8-12 glasses of water are recommended. lack of hydration of intestinal content may render them hard and difficult to move.

2. add fibrous food in your diet.

here is the list of foods with high fibre content

 3. Drink Coffee, caffeine may help to stimulate your bowel.

4. Increase your activity. do regular exercise. exercise stimulates your bowel movement. During exercise, the body uses available nutrients and lack of nutrients supply stimulates bowel movements.

5. Check the medicine you are taking, calcium and iron supplements can cause constipation. moreover strong analgesics (morphine analogues) can cause constipation.

6. Keep in mind that constipation can be caused by a bowel disease such as irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, colitis, stress, pregnancy etc. If constipation continues, consult a physician.

7. Take laxatives only under a doctor's prescription. and avoid its long term use

8. If you have abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, excessive bloating, blood in your stool or frequent bouts of constipation, see a doctor.



  1. Are there any meds for this? What's the fastest relief? Thanks

  2. you asked about fasted method to relieve constipation. ?
    so yours answer is Enema. Enema is a procedure in which a liquid is introduced in to rectum which dilates the rectum walls. it stimulates a strong peristalsis, which results in the evacuation of colon and rectum. but this process is really painful and there are chances of bleeding. it is done in extreme cases when all other therapies fails. moreover, laxative and stool softners are another safer choice. but these have their own concerns. the most important and safest mathod is dietary modification and drinking plenty of water.

  3. Thumbs up with this information! Am gonna go and print this thing. yeah, the best thing to avoid unhealthy living is to eat vegetables, drink a lot of water and do exercise. I'm just asking, I've tried using lexatives before in a short term, but what will happen if i pro long the use?

  4. I found that a whole foods diet and drinking plenty of water works great. Don't eat too much dairy and eat some fermented foods everyday. I try not to even touch refined carbohydrates. I don't excercise a whole lot but even a short walk helps.

  5. You can also try this. Mix 2 tablespoons of pure aloe vera gel into a glass of apple juice or cranberry juice. Drink this once a day either in the morning or before going to bed.

  6. Fine articles on constipation. Please try various organic moringa products for constipation problems

  7. This is really very important & helpful article. I like this information as it is useful thing to know about. Fibrous diet & liquid items are effective in treating constipation. Thanks for this charts & sharing.


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